
Hey Friends,
After a total of almost 10 years on Tanegashima, we decided to move off the island. We want to thank all of our friends on the island for helping to make many happy memories. Please check out our items for sale and let others know who might be interested as well. Thank you again.
The Hayman Family
注: このページの情報は、Google 翻訳を使用して英語から日本語に翻訳されています。
Note: The information on this page was translated from English to Japanese using Google Translate.
Home - Mountain
Forested Mountain For Sale

価格: 980万円

Price: 980万円
Price is negotiable.

土地: 16,084m2, 坪: 4,866

Land Area: 4.5 acres = 16,084 square meters = 4,866 tsubo

We are selling 4.5 acres of forested mountain adjacent to Saikyo Dam and across from Appoland Park. The property has panoramic views of Saikyo Reservoir. The forest contains hundreds of hinoki and sugi trees perfect for building a cabin. There are several hiking trails on the property. There is also a large farm. This is the perfect property for those wanting a quiet off-grid lifestyle. The property could also be used as multiple campsites for income.
Contact Information


商号: (有)三伸ホーム
免許番号: 鹿児島県知事(1)第6537号
住所: 鹿児島市牟礼岡3丁目19-13
電話番号: 099-246-0050
FAX番号: 099-246-0051
MAIL: info@sanshin-home.jp
WEBSITE: https://sanshin-home.jp/sanshin/tanegasima-jyouhou4.html

If you are interested in purchasing this property, please contact our real estate agent at the following:

Trade name: Sanshin Home Ltd.
License number: Kagoshima Prefectural Governor (1) No. 6537
Address: 3-19-13 Mureoka, Kagoshima City
Telephone number: 099-246-0050
Fax number: 099-246-0051
MAIL: info@sanshin-home.jp
WEBSITE: https://sanshin-home.jp/sanshin/tanegasima-jyouhou4.html
General Information
  • 所在地:西之表港から北東へ約7.0km(下記地図参照)、車で約15分。西京ダムと貯水池に隣接し、それを一望できる山で、アポランド公園の向かいにあります。

    Location: Approximately 7.0 km northeast of Nishinoomote Port (see map below), and approximately 15 minutes by car. The mountain is adjacent to Saikyo Dam and Reservoir and has a panoramic view of same, and is across from Appoland Park.
  • 土地面積:土地は約16,084平方メートルです。

    Land Size: The land is approximately 16,084 square meters.
  • 土地指定: この土地は原野として指定されているため、固定資産税はかかりません。

    Land Designation: The land is designated as wilderness, and as such, there are no property taxes.
  • 地形: 土地は平地と貯水池に向かって傾斜する小道で構成されています。現在、キャンプ場が 6 か所、農場、駐車場、およびキャビンを建設できる平地が 1 か所あります。

    Topography: The land is composed of level areas and trails which slope down towards the reservoir. There are currently 6 campsites, a farm, a parking area, and a level site for a potential cabin.
  • 造園: 敷地の大部分は、数百本のスギやヒノキのほか、さまざまな種類のオークの木が生い茂る森林に覆われています。スギやヒノキの木は小屋の建築に最適な資源であり、一方オークの木はほぼ無制限に薪を供給します。

    Landscaping: Most of the property is heavily forested with hundreds of sugi and hinoki trees along with various types of oak trees. The sugi and hinoki trees are a great resource for cabin building while the oak trees provide an almost unlimited supply of firewood.
  • 設備: この施設には、農業および個人使用のための限定的な水利権が付与されています。公衆トイレはキャンプ場 #5 (下記の山の地図を参照) から徒歩わずか 8 分にあり、水洗トイレ、流し台、飲料用の公共水源が備えられています。

    Amenities: The property has been granted limited water rights for farming and personal use. A public bathroom is only an 8 minute walk from campsite #5 (see mountain map below) and includes a flush toilet, a sink, and a public source of potable water for drinking.
  • 潜在的な用途: この山には 6 つのキャンプ場、稼働中の農場、およびいくつかの小屋を建てる余地があります。

    Potential Uses: The mountain has 6 campsites, a working farm, and room for building several cabins.
  • 山には 6 つのキャンプ場があり、これらを組み合わせると、一年中素晴らしいキャンプ場となり、良い収入源になります。

    Campground: The mountain has 6 campsites, which when combined, would make an excellent year round campground and as a good source of income.
  • この山は、オフグリッドのライフスタイルを望む人に最適です。公衆トイレと飲料水はわずか 8 分の距離にあります。自分で食べ物を育てるための大きな農場があります。わずか数キロ先には日本有数の釣り場がある海岸があります。他の電源に加えて、農場またはキャンプ場 #5 の北側にソーラーパネルを設置することで、エネルギーを簡単に供給できます。この亜熱帯気候ではほとんど必要とされませんが、調理や暖房に使用する木材は事実上無制限に供給されます。

    Off Grid Living: The mountain is perfect for those desiring an off grid lifestyle. There is public bathrooms and water for drinking located only 8 minutes away. There is a large farm for growing your own food. The coast is located only a few kilometers away with some of the best fishing in Japan. Energy can easily be supplied by installing solar panels on the north side of the farm or campsite # 5, in addition to other sources. There is a virtually unlimited supply of wood for cooking and warming, although rarely needed in this subtropical climate.
  • - 山は生物多様性と持続可能性をサポートするのに最適な場所です。

    Agroforest: - The mountain is a great place to support biodiversity and sustainability.
  • - 山の農場には素晴らしい土壌があり、太陽の光がたくさん降り注ぎ、大家族の生鮮食品の需要をサポートすることができます。バナナの木は、果物や苗木の販売による素晴らしい収入源です。

    Farming: - The mountain farm has fantastic soil and receives a lot of sunlight and can be used to support the fresh food requirements of a large family. The banana trees are a fantastic source of income from selling fruit and the seedlings.
  • 公共施設に近く、静かで平和な場所でリタイアするのに最適な場所です。

    Quiet Retirement: This is a great place to retire in a serene and peaceful location while still close to public facilities.
  • - この山は、セミナー、コミュニティイベント、音楽コンサートの開催に使用できます。

    Event Venue: - The mountain can be used to host seminars, community events and music concerts.
Directions to the Mountain

Googleマップでは西之表港から3通りのアクセス方法が表示されていますが、いずれも西之表港から約7.0km、車で約15分です。ルートの終点にある破線 (地図上の + ボタンを 4 回クリック) は、森の中を通る未舗装の公共道路に沿っています。未舗装の道路への入り口には、黒と黄色のロープが張られています。内覧後はロープを元の位置に戻してください。ご協力ありがとうございます。

The Google map shows three different ways to get to the mountain, all of which are about 7.0 km from Nishinoomote Port, and approximately 15 minutes by car. The dashed line at the end of the route (click the + button on the map 4 times) is along the public dirt road which goes through the forest. The entry to the dirt road has a black and yellow rope stretched across the entry. Please return the rope to the original position after viewing the property. Thank you for your cooperation.
Mountain Boundaries Map


The image shows the approximate boundaries of the mountain. The open space area is the location of the farm.
Mountain Location on Google Maps

これは、山とかつてキャンプ場として使用されていた農場を示すインタラクティブな地図です。 [大きな地図を表示] をクリックして拡大すると、寝室や倉庫として使用されていた 4 台のバス (現在は撤去されている) が表示されます。

This is an interactive map showing the mountain and the farm which was previously used as a campsite. Click "View larger map" to zoom in and see the four buses (now removed) which were used as bedrooms and for storage.
Detailed Property Map

この山は実際には 2 つの区画に分かれています。次の地図は、敷地境界と総平方メートルと坪数を示しています。

The mountain is actually divided into two parcels. The following map shows the property boundaries along with the total square meters and tsubo.

土地: 7,600m2 + 8,484m2 = 16,084m2
坪: 2,300坪 + 2,566坪 = 4,866坪

Land Area: 7,600m2 + 8,484m2 = 16,084m2
Mountain Map

灰色の線: 主要な公共アクセス道路 (アスファルト)
茶色の線: おおよその敷地境界線
緑の線: ハイキングコース

Gray Line: main public access road (asphalt)
Black Line: public access road (dirt)
Brown Line: approximate property boundaries
Green Lines: hiking trails


Please see below for map number descriptions.

注: 登山道を見つけやすくするために、山に行く前にこの地図を印刷してください。

Note: Please print out this map before you go to the mountain to make it easier to find the trails.
  • 1: キャンプ場 #1 は森の中にあり、森の素晴らしい景色と貯水池の一部の景色を眺めることができます。

    Campsite #1 located in the forest with a nice view of the forest and a partial view of the reservoir.
  • 2: 第2キャンプ場は森の中にあり、森の素晴らしい景色と貯水池を間近に眺めることができます。

    Campsite #2 located in the forest with a great view of the forest and a close up view of the reservoir.
  • 3: 貯水池の素晴らしい景色を望む第3キャンプ場。

    Campsite #3 with a nice view of the reservoir.
  • 4: 貯水池の素晴らしい景色を望む第4キャンプ場。

    Campsite #4 with a great view of the reservoir.
  • 5: 貯水池の素晴らしい景色とキャビンを建てるための平らなエリアがあるキャンプ場 #5。

    Campsite #5 with a fantastic view of the reservoir and a level area for building a cabin.
  • 6: キャンプ場#6は平地の森の中に位置し、森林の素晴らしい景色を望む未舗装のアクセス道路に隣接しています。

    Campsite #6 located in the forest on level land and adjacent to the dirt access road with a nice view of the forest.
  • 7: 敷地内の駐車場。

    Parking area for property.
  • 8: 素晴らしい土壌と周囲の鹿ネットを備えた農場エリア。

    Farm area with fantastic soil and perimeter deer netting.
Log Cabin

これはキャンプ場 #5 (上の地図を参照) にある、キャビンを建てることができるスペースです。建築基準法では、最大 200 平方メートルの構造物を許可していますが、唯一の要件は、地元の住宅局に建設の意図を報告することです。建物は荒野に建設されているため、検査はありません。キャビン棟スペースからは西京貯水池を一望できます。敷地内には数百本のスギやヒノキの木があり、小屋の建設に使用できます。

This is the space at campsite #5 (see map above) where a cabin could be built. The building codes allow for a structure of up to 200 square meters with only the only requirement is to report the intent to build to the local housing department. There would be no inspections since the structure is being built in a wilderness area. The cabin building space overlooks the panoramic view of Saikyo reservoir. There are hundreds of sugi and hinoki trees on the property which can be used to build the cabin.
Mountain Features
  • キャンプ場
  • この山は森林に覆われており、パノラマの景色を望むキャンプ場 #5 (上の地図を参照) を含む 6 つのキャンプ場があり、アクセス道路の隣の平坦なエリアは 35 平方メートルの丸太小屋を建てることができます。キャンプ場 #6 (上の地図を参照) には森林の素晴らしい眺めがあり、アクセス道路の隣に丸太小屋を建てるのに使用できる平らなエリアがあります。

    The mountain is forested and has 6 campsites including campsite #5 (see map above) which has a panoramic view and a level area next to the access road which can be used to build a 35 square meter log cabin. Campsite #6 (see map above) has a nice view of the forest and a level area next to the access road which can be used to build a log cabin.
  • パノラマビュー
    Panoramic Views
  • この山は、5 つのポイントのそれぞれから、またハイキング コース沿いから素晴らしい景色を眺めることができます。

    The mountain has fantastic views from each of the five points and along the hiking trails.
  • 農場
  • 素晴らしい土壌を持つ農園があります。この敷地では除草剤、殺虫剤、化学肥料は使用されていません。すべて天然の堆肥材料を使用して栽培されました。

    There is a farm with excellent soil. No herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers were used on this property. Everything was grown using natural composted materials.
  •  農園には、バナナ、ビワ、キウイ、ブドウなど、さまざまな種類の果樹やブドウの木が植えられています。

    The farm has many types of fruit trees and vines including banana, loquat, kiwi, grapes, and others.
  • 農場にはタイム、オレガノ、ステビア、レモングラスなどを含む多くのハーブがあります。

    The farm has many herbs including thyme, oregano, stevia, lemon grass, and others.
  • 農園には12種類のバナナの木もあります。

    The farm also has 12 different types of banana trees.
バナナの木 - 12種類
Banana Trees - 12 types


The farm has 12 different types of banana trees for a total of about 150 trees. The trees range in height from one to five meters. All the bananas are great for eating and most are the dessert type. All the banana trees are good in the subtropical climate of Tanegashima. Please see the map below for the location of the trees in the farm.
Banana Tree Location


This is a map showing the location of our banana trees in the mountain farm.

  1 - Ice Cream
  2 - Apple Banana
  3 - Haouto
  4 - Dwarf Namwah
  5 - Musa Dwarf Orinoco
  6 - Dwarf Cavendish
  7 - Dwarf Taiwan

  8 - Musa Mysore
  9 - Dwarf Brazilian
10 - Dwarf Cavendish
11 - Musa California Gold
12 - Musa Velutina
Banana Tree Types


The farm has a total of 12 different types of banana trees. Please read the following for details.
1 - Ice Cream


The most chewy of all bananas. A banana that tastes like vanilla and tastes like ice cream.
Height: about 4-5m.
2 - Apple Banana


This banana is famous in Hawaii and is said to taste like an apple. It feels bittersweet.
Height: Approximately 4-5m.
3 - Haouto


Tor Namwa banana from Vietnam very delicious banana.
Height 4-5m.
4 - Dwarf Namwah


It is a dwarf breed, Bananas are hardy to cold and have a delicious taste.
Height: about 2-3m
5 - Musa Dwarf Orinoco

弊社の状況では茎の高さで1.5-2mほどでしょうか。 とても美味しいバナナとのことで、 耐寒性も有るようです。

In our situation, the height of the stem is about 1.5-2m. It is said to be a very delicious banana, and it also seems to be cold resistant.
6 - Dwarf Cavendish


This is a common banana that is often sold at supermarkets. Bananas have a high yield.
Height: about 3m.
7 - Dwarf Taiwan

北蕉の矮性種らしく、弊社で育成してる感じでは万助と同じくらいで 茎の高さで1.5-1.8mほどでしょうか 味はキャベンディッシュなどと比べると濃厚です。

It seems to be a dwarf species of Hokusho, and the ones we grow at our company are about the same as Mansuke, with stems about 1.5-1.8m tall.The taste is richer than Cavendish.
8 - Musa Mysore

マイソールは、16 フィートまで成長する背が高く、活発な植物です。緑の葉と赤い中肋があります。葉の裏にはピンクがかったワックス状のコーティングがあります。この植物は、非常に皮が薄く、太くて短い「レディフィンガー」と呼ばれる甘い果物を生産します。 「マイソール」は風に強いですが、大きな果実を運ぶときは立てかける必要があります。この重要な品種はインドとパキスタンから来ています。このバナナの根系は非常に強いので、強風によって倒れることはありません。トランクはくすんだ錆びた色になっています。収穫までに 20 か月かかります。バナナの果実は、保存期間が非常に長いです。

Mysore is a tall and vigorous plant growing to 16 feet. It is green leafed with red midribs. Undersides of leaves have pinkish, waxy coating. The plant produces very thin-skinned short fat "lady finger" sweet fruit. 'Mysore' is wind resistant but should be propped up when carry large heads of fruit. This important cultivar comes from India and Pakistan. The root system on this banana is so strong that it never blows over from high winds. The trunk is dull rust in color. Takes 20 months to harvest.The banana fruit has exceptionally long shelf life in storage.
9 - Dwarf Brazilian


It's a chunky, round banana. It has a strong sweetness and sourness, and a chewy and chewy texture.
Height: about 3m.
10 - Dwarf Cavendish


Bananas that Mr. Mansuke has been cultivating for 30 years. Fertility. If you have enough fertilizer, you can harvest about 200 plants.
Height: about 2-3m.
11 - Musa California Gold

茎の高さで2-2.5mくらい こちらもそこそこ耐寒性があり 美味しいようです。

The height of the stem is about 2-2.5m.This is also fairly cold resistant and seems to be delicious.
12 - Musa Velutina

Musa velutina、毛むくじゃらのバナナ、またはピンクのバナナ。果実は長さ 3 インチ (8 cm) で、ピンク色で毛羽立っています。観賞用として栽培されることが多いですが、果肉は柔らかく甘いので食べられます。

Musa velutina, the hairy banana or pink banana. The fruits are 3 in (8 cm) long, pink, and fuzzy. It is often grown as an ornamental plant, but has soft, sweet flesh that can be eaten.
Free Wood




We are offering free wood from our mountain. We are selling the mountain and there is a lot of cut wood that we will not be able to use. This wood is really good for firewood or for wood projects. The wood is mostly sugi, hinoki, and various types of oak. The wood is stacked in nice piles and waiting for you to come and transport it in your truck. There are signs posted at the access road and in front of the wood piles to make it easy for you to know which wood is available. Please click the following ling for directions to the mountain.

Directions to the mountain

You can go at your convenience.
Free Cypress Wood


This wood smells really good and is extremely bug and termite resistant. This wood is good for firewood and for wood projects.
Free Oak Wood


This wood is really dense and is extremely good for firewood and for wood projects.

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